help him… crying man

My friends don’t like at all when I paint miseries. I know it has been few years I changed my paintings to be not miseries in the world but beautiful decoration for selling. But I just have a freaking nature inspired so much from suffering moments. I cry when I paint or draw them. I just have to draw and … voila. This is story of a man crying out asking help his brother in Syria. The article said Syria is no longer sliding into war or staring at the abyss of war. Syria is at War. Why this kind of war never ends? Whom to blame? The sky? we have to care more, know more and love more….

Two days ago I saw for the first time Kony 2012 video, I was of course crying and made a little donation right away and then I found out Jason was arrested in Sandiego. I was thinking what is the big deal and what kind of bad people make issues around this? He has already done lots of good work, maybe he got too much pressure… He needs to be embraced not criticized then….. his behavior made me study a bit. Simply yes, I studied. I was pretty upset when I figured out all the different facts specially from ugandan civilians. I searched all people’s blogs and watched more than 15 of videos. Another few hours I spent time to think then I made my conclusion with this blog from here
I decided it’s fair to think that way. The truth is so difficult to know but I also thought I would never make any donation without committing myself in real situation which means if I want to help someone I will help someone that I can see and feel. If I want to help african children I will go someday there and help them with heart. Not blindly like this. I am learning my lessons through all. However I have to say WoW…. everything was… just wow.

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